Thursday, November 18, 2021

My Fake Media!

 Hey Bloggers! This is my fake media I made. I made this for schoolwork, not to genuinely trick people into thinking I am a scientist. I would be WAY too young! Well, obviously this is fake because the backdrop is a cartoon! I used to remove the background of the picture I took of myself and the photo I uploaded of the potion. Tell me what you think of my fake media in the comments and if it looks realistic or not! (Probably not, but that's okay.) Thank you for reading my blog! Bye! 😄 (I just previewed my blog, and the photo I embedded goes out of the picture! Oopsie...) Edit: It's okay now. I fixed it!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Legend SMP

 Hey Bloggers! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Today I will talk about Legend SMP that my friends and I made. If you want to join, send an email to me or James McGrath with a video of you surviving 15 days in Minecraft survival on normal or hard mode. We will send you the join code whenever possible. So, on to the blog.


James and I built the first house on the server. It is VERY ugly. Then a couple of weeks later, a creeper blew up the front of the house and now it's even uglier :(

My Bedroom:

And yes, I have a fish tank on the right hand side.

James's Bedroom

And double yes, I encased James in obsidian while he was afk and we didn't bother to clean it up.

Enchanting room:

I am very proud of all that we have accomplished in Legend SMP.
I even opened up a shop called Chase Mart. We sell food, pet fish, quartz for redstone and just nice looking modern builds. We also sell potions, glowstone and nether wart. Special discounts for loyal customers!

Okay, this is just turning into an ad for Chase Mart. 
Bye Bloggers! 👋

Friday, September 10, 2021

Empires SMP Minecraft

Hello! My name is Sofia, and today I want to show you the Empires SMP (Survival Multiplayer) my friends and I started! I had the idea from a YouTube SMP.  It was a different Empires SMP that I first started watching on a YouTube channel called LDShadowLady. I took the idea for my starter castle from a youtuber called Katherine Elizabeth Gaming. She used calcite in the castle but as that is a 1.17 item, and education edition is in 1.15, (Edit: It finally got updated! Yay!) (Why does it update so slow??) I used polished diorite instead. My starter home and castle are both quite ugly,so I'm thinking of upgrading it soon. Here is a screenshot of my first house:    

And here is a screenshot of my new castle!

And most importantly....

Yup! This is my dog, Sky! I killed SO many cows to get a STACK (64) of steak to put in that barrel in the corner. And I found a name tag in a dungeon chest!I had an idea to pick a certain theme and trade that theme! For example I chose crops and farms so I trade seeds,wheat,carrots,sugarcane,beetroot, potatoes,melon,pumpkin and bamboo.I even put a little bell I found at a village by my farm stall where I trade the crops.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

My Mushroom Fields Village!

 I'm sure most of you have already heard of the game Minecraft. If you play it, then you should know about villages. They spawn in Plains, Spruce Forests,Snowy Tundras, Savannas and Deserts. But why not other biomes? So I decided to change that. I sent my friends an email telling them to pick a biome that didn't have a village. I chose the Mushroom Fields. Here is a screenshot of a Nitwit (Nitwits are villagers that don't have a job) house I built!

Each villager has a different house according to the villager's profession. I will show you all of the mushroom houses I built ( The whole village isn't finished yet! ) and I will tell you their professions.




I really had fun designing all of these fun mushroom houses! Designing villages is a fun thing to do when you are bored in Minecraft!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Why I am on strike. LOL


Hi Bloggers! Today i'm going to tell you why I am on strike!! LOL. So, It started when my teacher was giving us, like, 7 MATHS WORKSHEETS!! When I was on about the fourth worksheet, I realised, if adults can go on strikes, why can't we? So I talked to my friend Amina about it, and persuaded her to come with me to tell Ms. Corbett. I told Amina I would just be telling Ms. Corbett about the strike and she wouldn't have to say anything. I told Ms. Corbett that we were going on strike and that we wouldn't do any more maths until we got MINECRAFT!! She said, "Okay, you can go on strike but you're not getting Minecraft." I thought, "Eh, that's good enough at least I can read instead of MATH."  

Thanks for reading my blog! ✌

My favourite Minecraft games!

 Hello, my name is Sofia and today I will show you my favourite Minecraft games and how to play them.

1.  Bedwars 

In Bedwars you either have a blue bed, a lime bed, a red bed, or a yellow bed. Use your iron and gold to buy supplies to protect your bed and bridge over to the middle island to get emeralds to buy more items.

2.Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery is a really old map. In Murder Mystery you are either an innocent, a murderer or a detective. The detective has a bow that can one-shot anyone. If they shoot the wrong person, they lose the bow and someone else has to pick it up. If everyone is dead, the murderer wins. (The innocents basically just do tasks)

3:Build Battle

In Build Battle, you vote for a theme, then you build that theme. For example, if the theme was Cat, everyone would build a cat.There are 6 different ways you can be rated. SUPER POOP, Poop, Ok, Good, Epic and Legendary. 

Thank you for reading my blog! 😁

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Scratch coding!

Helloo! My name is Sofia. Today I want to talk about Scratch Coding. Scratch is a wonderful coding website that is simple to operate and really fun. Scratch has multiple fun blocks to code with and comes with some starter tutorials to help you make some beginner games. Scratch is really fun! I have already made big projects but my teacher makes us do beginner tutorials. ☹